3rd March-22nd June 2020

Help spread the word and hope of biodiversity on your campus!
How does it work?

The RIMBA Campus Challenge is a competition in which student teams in Malaysia compete to host RIMBA gameplays on their campus and get everyone to post pictures of their RIMBA gameplay experience on Instagram. Teams host gameplays on their campus, post pictures on their gameplays on Instagram with the hashtag #[CampusName]RimbaCampusChallenge, log the number of gameplay hours and compete for individual and team prizes.
The challenge kicks off March 3rd and ends June 22nd in conjunction with World Wildlife Day and World Rainforest Day respectively. The team with the most Instagram post using the designated hashtag wins the Best Host Prize. Participants that come to the gameplays stand a chance to win monthly individual prizes and claim certificate of participation. All they need to do is to post pictures on their RIMBA gameplay experience on Instagram with the hashtag
Check out some good examples of RIMBA Campus Challenge Instagram post!

How do I participate?

Form a team of
4 to 5 people
Your team will be the gameplay host- don't worry, we'll provide you with the Host Toolkit!

Register your team
Register your team as a host team!
Click on the button below to register.

Receive Host Toolkit
Once approved, your team will receive a Host Toolkit and a RIMBA deck to start hosting gameplays on your campus!

Host gameplays
Follow the guidelines in the Host Toolkit to host fun gameplays on your campus!
Who should participate?

Be the biodiversity champions on your campus!
Hosting gameplays will allow you to spread the word of biodiversity to others.

Use the opportunity of hosting gameplays to fundraise for your club / cause.
You may do so by charging a small fee during gameplays.

Use the power of social media and your influence to spread the word and hope of biodiversity!
RIMBA Campus Challenge Timeline